Magical trip through the saltpeter offices of Humerstone and Santa Laura

Oficinas salitreras

The Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Offices are two former mining facilities located in the Tarapacá Region, in northern Chile, which were declared World Heritage Sites by UNESCO in 2005. Both offices are a sample of the country’s cultural heritage and testimony of the time of saltpeter exploitation in Chile. Here are some of the … Read more

Frutillar, a charming city in the Lagos Region

Puerto Varas

Frutillar is a Chilean city with many cultural attractions that you can enjoy within the incomparable beauty of a Patagonian lake. Contents The city This charming city owes its name to the Chilean strawberry present in the surroundings and forests.   The area of ​​the city that concentrates most of the tourist attractions is called … Read more

Chiloé: a magical cultural landscape


From its colorful stilt houses to the unique architecture of its churches, Chiloé has a lot to offer. It is located in the Los Lagos Region, just south of Puerto Montt. In reality, it is an archipelago in which the large island of Chiloé is the largest. Here we leave you some recommendations of places … Read more

Chilean-German tradition in Puerto Varas

Puerto Varas

Puerto Varas is a picturesque city located in southern Chile that stands out for its connection to the lakes and volcanoes in the area. The city is characterized by its German-influenced architecture, with wooden houses and very steep roofs that evoke the heritage of the German settlers who settled in the area in the 19th … Read more

We visited Chiloe churches from Dalcahue

Dalcahue en Chiloé

The so-called Chilote School of religious wood architecture combines the Central European tradition of the tower-facade, the Latin basilica plan and the knowledge of local wood craftsmen. It developed mainly in the Chiloé archipelago in the 17th century, reaching its mature form in the mid-19th century, having among its main exponents the 16 churches declared … Read more

We visited 8 churches in Chiloe from Castro

Castro, Chilóe

Just like the stilt houses in the coastal areas of Castro, the churches of Chiloé are a recognized heritage. Local carpenters have built temples designed by the Jesuit priests who arrived to the archipelago in the 17th century, giving rise to unique creations. Many of the churches spread throughout the archipelago, sixteen were declared World … Read more

The imposing geography of Torres del Paine

Torres del Paine

Torres del Paine is a national park located in Chilean Patagonia, and is known for its stunning natural beauty. In 1978 it was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere Program (MAB). We leave you a list of suggestions for this trip. Contents The towers They are one of the main attractions of … Read more

Discover the mysterious and fascinating Easter Island

Isla de Pascua

Easter Island is an incredible and mysterious place, famous for its impressive moai statues and its rich Polynesian culture. Here are some suggestions for places to visit on Easter Island: Rapanui National Park It is a unique place in the world due to its archaeological, cultural, and natural richness. Easter Island National Park, and the … Read more

Visit Santiago, the modern and traditional capital of Chile

Santiago de Chile

As a bustling metropolitan area, Santiago invites travelers from all over the world to explore its unique blend of contemporary and traditional culture. Here we present just a few options: Main Square Considered the heart of the capital of Chile, it marks the milestone known as Kilometer Zero, from which the distance between the different … Read more